Sunday, November 15, 2009


So I hear its Leggy Vs Bubbles in Blogsville as I type (while eating Kettle Brand Krinkle Cut Potato Chips, barbecue flavor). Whats the 411? More importantly whose team are U on? I know who imma side with...hahaha..
O shoot its 'The Soup' on E! I have to go.
Peace love and wet kisses!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I feel like my neck is fixed, like immobile. And that hurts a great deal. My nose is red and can't seem to stop 'running'. My eyes are dull and teary. My head hurts like it has never hurt before. I went to the health center yesterday and they kept me waiting for more than an hour. Of course I was not going to take that bull, so I demanded some tylenol and stormed out. But even the pain relievers don't seem to be helping much. I feel like I am about to die..(no really). Why is this case of the flu or common cold or whatever worse than the others I have had? I asked if I had swine flu, but I was told I didn't as I had no fever. I feel like dying. Woah.
Please leave your random comments as usual..while I die slowly. LOL
Peace love Kisses etc etc

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What in the hell?

So this dude has been bugging off and on for about 4 months now or so. I finally give him a chance. Find out that he is not half bad and began to consider dating him. All well and good in the hood until....HE STARTS TO SAY HE IS BUSY. Nigger PLEASE! YOU are the one who has been dying to go on a date with me for all these months. YOU claimed that you were given the cold shoulder. YOU made me feel bad about keeping you hanging all this while. YOU told me I had the most beautiful eyes, smile, hair, everything. YOU were so fucking happy when you saw me on Sunday. And finally YOU practically begged for a date the next day. So why are you trying to turn it all around and act like I am the one that has been doing all the damn chasing?
BOY: Pleaseeee could we see again on Monday? I need to see you.
ME: uhm, i'll get back to you tomorrow. Need to check some things.
BOY: O well, I have been patient for all these months, might as well remain patient.
ME: blank stare

So the next day I tell him okay, we could see later on. The fool then gives me some shit about how he has a late night at work. Can i spend all Tuesday with him???? Uhm no heifer. I only just met you but we could chill Tuesday evening though.
Tuesday rolls along and guess what, he CANCELS. There was a meeting he forgot ALL about. So I'm here feeling like that dude who always get nicked by the girl he loves, but the problem here is I'm not the one who likes him, he likes me!!! Or have I started to like him? Would I blog about it if I totally did not care? O now I need a drink.
Hugs, Love and Kisses from me to you. As always be random. x

Friday, September 18, 2009


I actually forgot that I had a blog. Woah. Talk about having amnesia. Moving on, my life at the moment is a mess. Not only have I not been able to realize that summer is over and I am three weeks into the new term, I also seem to be spending more than I am earning on quite frankly frivolous things. I quit my job because I got too lazy and frankly I needed the extra time as I am taking more classes this term.
In order not to bore you too much I shall end here. Please commence with the random things that have been going on in your lives. Has that cute boy in class finally noticed you? Or did you just find this blog? LOL (pls mention this site to your blogger friends. We all need a place to vent. heeehee)
Peace and Love and Kisses and Hugs

Sunday, April 19, 2009

to front or not to front.....

Been a bit.
Anyway my random thought has been deciding when fronting becomes excess. Like you know when that dude has been asking for your number and you keep dodging him, and when he finally gets it you don't pick up the phone? When does it become enough? When is it then borderline extreme?
Please help me o because i am clueless at this point. I thought the days of fronting were over. But a male friend claims that men still very much enjoy the chase. hmm biko gini bu this wahala? help. when do you start answering the calls????
help by being random in 5,4,3,2,..

Thursday, April 2, 2009

when everything seems to go wrong

I thought about changing my status on facebook to 'i need a hug' but i figured that was way too public. I have over 200 people on my friend list that i don't even know. So, here i am on blogsville to vent. I am not an emotional person. I am the friend that you can count on to ALWAYS be cheerful. I am the daughter who never tries to complain to her parents so that they would not worry. I am the cousin that the uncle and aunties tell their children to emulate. *Please these are generalizations. I am not that much of a goody2shoes.
Anyway today i have had it. My roomate is being a fool. We have been having troubles for a bit now but I tried to change. I stopped watching tv at odd hours, my music was always turned off and i went to bed before 1am on most days! I became a new person. But after constantly reporting to the RA, the latter has decided I should pick up my things and move.
Next calculus is not going too well. I have a test the day after tomorrow. Id rather not talk about this.
Work is not going well either. I wonder why i even got a job. O yea i remember now, i was trying to please the dad who did not even sound too happy about this.
I am RAMBLING. i am going to STOP now.
Please lets talk about you as is the purpose of this blog, and enough about me.
let the randomness ensue.

Monday, March 23, 2009


LOL! I can't seem to get Soty's song off my mind. Me and my best friend sing it all day long! no jokes. It is crazy. Who else likes it? or am i the only one :( (its called MALARIA btw).
Anyway to more important issues. Why does everyone seem to have a boyfriend/girlfriend these days. From bobij to overwhelmed, everyone is coupled up!!! where did all the single people go? What happened to the beauty in singleness? I feel so alone. The last relationship ended so badly i dont think i have the strength to date anytime soon again. Im starting to not believe in Love.

Enough sadness for one post. Who else loves Kanye's new chic? Yea she is bald but she is BAD! lol. and what do you think about ciara's new video?


Sunday, March 22, 2009

first time

Everything they say has a beginning. I looked around and saw that all the blogs had one thing in common. It was all about the blogger. Not one blog gave the readers a chance to actually say exactly what/how they felt at that very moment without reference to the post. While bloggers have a right to keep their blogs centered around them, i think its high time non-bloggers had a chance to come on blogspot and drop a random comment about how they feel, what they are looking forward to, their thoughts, their fears - in one word ANYTHING! The more random the better. As is expected of me i shall start!
What im currently thinking of? Well i am thinking about all the ridiculous amount of work i have to do before the day runs out. I am currently tired of College. I also just checked gossip girl naija and was shocked to see a close friend on mine on there. AGAIN! He seems to be on there a lot now. tsk tsk.
So do tell what are you thinking about? Lets share.

*Bloggers are more than welcome to share their thoughts too.
*I actually admire so many bloggers here. esp the Nigerian ones. Im biased. SHOOT ME! *wink
*Lets get this started

On here you can discuss any of the following,
What you are wearing today and why
Why you are thinking of cheating on your better half (its not our portion.Amen)
Why you hate school
Are you really in school for you or someone else?
What comes after death?
Which celebs can't you stand?
What you had for dinner
Who your fav bloggers
Why your life is pretty much fucked at the moment (excuse me..)
Why you have the best job in the world
How you ended up spending the night with that dude/dudette yesterday even when you swore you would not (you are not alone)
How you are going to become the next billionare
How pretty you are feeling today (did you just pass by the mirror and say 'DAMN! IM HOT!'? happens to the ugliest of us too ;))
Why you are waiting till marriage.
if you 'think' it then it should be on