Sunday, April 19, 2009

to front or not to front.....

Been a bit.
Anyway my random thought has been deciding when fronting becomes excess. Like you know when that dude has been asking for your number and you keep dodging him, and when he finally gets it you don't pick up the phone? When does it become enough? When is it then borderline extreme?
Please help me o because i am clueless at this point. I thought the days of fronting were over. But a male friend claims that men still very much enjoy the chase. hmm biko gini bu this wahala? help. when do you start answering the calls????
help by being random in 5,4,3,2,..


  1. Random..nah!!!
    reality yes..
    i've been feeling pretty low for quite a while now,
    well, like it got to its lowest point over the weekend..
    am i an asset or liability?
    where the rope at?

  2. Hey darling,
    You are definitely an asset. Never for one second doubt that. You are a wonderful blogger and an even more awesome person in real life i am sure. We all have our down moments, really depressing times. I try to turn to God during these times. I know that He loves me just the way I am so i pray to him when i am extremely down. You could do that too dear. I am sure things will get better.


*random musings..*