Monday, March 23, 2009


LOL! I can't seem to get Soty's song off my mind. Me and my best friend sing it all day long! no jokes. It is crazy. Who else likes it? or am i the only one :( (its called MALARIA btw).
Anyway to more important issues. Why does everyone seem to have a boyfriend/girlfriend these days. From bobij to overwhelmed, everyone is coupled up!!! where did all the single people go? What happened to the beauty in singleness? I feel so alone. The last relationship ended so badly i dont think i have the strength to date anytime soon again. Im starting to not believe in Love.

Enough sadness for one post. Who else loves Kanye's new chic? Yea she is bald but she is BAD! lol. and what do you think about ciara's new video?


Sunday, March 22, 2009

first time

Everything they say has a beginning. I looked around and saw that all the blogs had one thing in common. It was all about the blogger. Not one blog gave the readers a chance to actually say exactly what/how they felt at that very moment without reference to the post. While bloggers have a right to keep their blogs centered around them, i think its high time non-bloggers had a chance to come on blogspot and drop a random comment about how they feel, what they are looking forward to, their thoughts, their fears - in one word ANYTHING! The more random the better. As is expected of me i shall start!
What im currently thinking of? Well i am thinking about all the ridiculous amount of work i have to do before the day runs out. I am currently tired of College. I also just checked gossip girl naija and was shocked to see a close friend on mine on there. AGAIN! He seems to be on there a lot now. tsk tsk.
So do tell what are you thinking about? Lets share.

*Bloggers are more than welcome to share their thoughts too.
*I actually admire so many bloggers here. esp the Nigerian ones. Im biased. SHOOT ME! *wink
*Lets get this started

On here you can discuss any of the following,
What you are wearing today and why
Why you are thinking of cheating on your better half (its not our portion.Amen)
Why you hate school
Are you really in school for you or someone else?
What comes after death?
Which celebs can't you stand?
What you had for dinner
Who your fav bloggers
Why your life is pretty much fucked at the moment (excuse me..)
Why you have the best job in the world
How you ended up spending the night with that dude/dudette yesterday even when you swore you would not (you are not alone)
How you are going to become the next billionare
How pretty you are feeling today (did you just pass by the mirror and say 'DAMN! IM HOT!'? happens to the ugliest of us too ;))
Why you are waiting till marriage.
if you 'think' it then it should be on